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Hello friends in Shin-Eiken New English Teachers' Association

(1)Let me start this piece by sharing a few of the words taken from an article that I wrote on this 9/11 tragedy. This article was published in the 26 October 2001 issue of the Ohio University newspaper, The Post.  First let me share a few of these 2001 words and then complete this little paper with some of my current thoughts and reflections on this tragedy -- and the subsequent tragedy of six years of war and violence.  Here are the first two paragraphs of the OU Post commentary that was titled "Military Solution A Mirage."
(注) ・reflection (=careful thought or an idea or opinion based on this) 省察 ・subsequent 続いて起こる ・Mirage 幻想
▼2001年10月26日にオハイオ大学新聞 The Post に書いた文章の一部をまずご紹介してから、現在私がこの9.11の悲劇とその結果として起こった6年間の戦争と暴力についてどう考えているかをお話したいと思います。The Post に書いた「軍事的解決、幻想」と題した冒頭の2段落です。

(2)"I have been climbing out of a deep well of anger and depression at the loss of innocent lives on 9/11/01.  Those persons responsible for this atrocity must be found and brought to justice. However, rather than an arrogant unilateral military rampage as presently being carried out by the Bush administration, I would have preferred cooperative international police work to bring the perpetrators to justice before the World Court or the International Criminal Court (ICC).   Unfortunately, the United States frequently thumbs its nose at the World Court and has yet to support the ICC, perhaps for fear of having its own leaders one day charged for their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
(注) ・depression 意気消沈 ・atrocity 残虐行為 ・unilateral 一方的な ・rampage 大暴れ ・perpetrator 極悪犯人 ・thumbs its nose atせせら笑う ・has yet to support ~ 未だに~を承認していない

(3)War is an atrocity that devastates innocent human beings everywhere. My experience as a combat pilot in the Korean War helps me understand that Asian anguish when their loved ones are killed is as painful and real as that in New York City and Washington.  This is why I am so interested in Japan's law, its constitution's Article 9 renunciation of war.  Article 9 implies that non-violent means be used to resolve our inevitable conflicts.  We need to adopt this kind of law in all nations' constitutions."
(注) ・devastate 破滅させる ・anguish 苦悶 ・ renunciation (= a decision not to keep a particular set of beliefs, way of life, power) 放棄 ・imply 含意する ・inevitable conflict 避けがたい衝突 ・adopt 適用する

Some Current Observations

(4)In the above six year old words I have underlined and highlighted two sets of words to describe my country's response then as an arrogant unilateral military rampage in contrast to what I would have preferred it to be, one of  -- cooperative international police work.
(注) ・my country's response then 当時の我が国の反応 ・in contrast to

(5)I am sorry to have to say that things have not changed much in the six years since the 9/11 tragedy - except for the fact that we now have almost the entire world angry at us for the way we use our military fist around the world - and rather than ridding Planet Earth of so-called "terrorists" our arrogant unilateral military rampage has hugely increased the numbers of people who wish to harm us.  At the time of the 9/11 tragedy, the entire world sympathized and empathized with the USA. Unfortunately our arrogant unilateral military rampage has almost completely destroyed these international feelings of solidarity, empathy, and compassion.
(注) ・military fist 軍事力 ・rather than ridding - of ~ -から~を取り除くというよりむしろ ・sympathize 同情する ・empathize with ~ に共感する ・compassion 思いやり

(6)If you would like to read the official document that outlines and justifies this arrogant unilateral militarist behavior - please type into your web browser the following words - "National Security Strategy of the United States of America."  You will find a 31 page Bush neo "con-men" created document, published on September 17, 2002 - that nowhere asks the important question - Why do so many people around the world hate the US government and what might we do about this problem?  Rather, you will find a clear cut arrogant statement of military force and power - including the right to preemptively use all means of force if necessary.
(注) ・neo "con-men" ネオコンの意味と"conman"(=someone who tries to get money or valuable things from people by tricking them  詐欺師)の意味を重ねて用いている ・clear cut 明確な ・preemptively 先制的に
▼もしこの傲慢で一方的な軍隊の行動をまとめて正当化している公文書を読んでみようと思えば、インターネットに"National Security Strategy of the United States of America" と入力して下さい。ブッシュ政権の「ネオコン」のペテン師どもがでっち上げて2002年9月17日に発表された31ページの文書があります。しかしどこにも重要な問いは見つかりません。―「なぜ世界中のあんなに大勢の人たちが米国政府を憎むのか?この問題に我々はどう対処すればよいのか?」という問いかけです。その代わりにそこには―もし必要ならばあらゆる手段の戦力を使って先制攻撃をする権利があるという軍事力と権威の明確で傲慢な声明があるだけです。

(7)In my opinion, there is no military solution to the 9/11 atrocity, any more than there is a military solution to the huge demand for illicit drugs in America, or for the USA's, and the world's profligate wasteful consumption of oil and other of earth's resources, -- or for global warming, or for most all of the problems we, as a species, face on our beautiful Planet Earth.  And yet, most unfortunately, what have we seen demonstrated by the world's only super-power, my country the USA, in these past six years?  We have seen a USA that is addicted to war and violence.
(注) ・illicit (=not allowed by laws or strongly disapproved of by society ) 不法な ・profligate 浪費の激しい ・consumption 消費 ・is addicted to~に耽溺している;~中毒の 

(8)We have seen the USA send helicopter gun and chemical spray ships to South and Central America to kill and spray the small farmers growing the cocaine and other illicit drugs - but our government never asks the important question -- what is wrong with the USA's culture that it has such a humongous drug addiction problem.  There is no military solution to America's or any other cultures' drug addiction problems, and yet the USA stupidly declares a "war on drugs."
(注)・ humongous drug addiction 途方もなくでっかい薬物中毒 ・a "war on drugs."  麻薬との戦い

(9)Since 9/11 we have seen a unilateral, preemptive war against Iraq based on Orwellian like lies and intelligence information, cooked up to suit neo "con-men's" dangerously flawed ideological biases - also reflecting their ignorance about that region of the world.  Our war on Iraq is dominantly an "oil-resource war" - much complicated by a lack of balance in favor of Israel in the awful Palestinian --Israeli conflict.  Sadly our government never seriously asks the important questions as to why we are such a profligate and resource wasteful culture, and what we might be able to correct this real problem, "our oil-addiction problem," so that we need not fight "oil or other resource wars."
(注) ・Orwellian George Orwell風の(彼が描いたような独裁主義体制の社会を指す) ・intelligence information 諜報情報 ・cooked up to suit~に合うようにでっち上げた ・flawed (=spoiled by having mistakes, weaknesses , or damage) 欠陥 のある ・reflecting their ignorance about~に関する彼らの無知を反映した ・that region of the world ここでは中東地域 ・dominantly 主として ・in favor of ~をひいきにする  

(10)We in our unilateral militarist arrogance prefer to use our military fist to keep other peoples oil flowing into our profligately wasteful and poorly designed technology systems - rather than seriously asking our creative engineers and scientists to give us orders of magnitude more energy and other resource efficient technology systems, and new energy systems such as solar related ones - all of which also do not pollute the ecosphere and that do not produce global warming. Most unfortunately we do not ask this of our technological people - especially is this true in the United States.  I call these kinds of technology, "Green Technology By Design" [GTBD] and have been promoting these ideas rather unsuccessfully for almost 40 years.  Billions of dollars are available from the weapons industries and the US Department of Defense (DOD) for [1] research and development and [2] engineering and science graduate education - but practically nothing is available for GTBD related work. Please see our book, A Call For Peace The Implications of Japan's War-Renouncing Constitution, for much more on GTBD.  Also see my web site www.article9society.org.
(注) ・poorly designed technology systems お粗末な設計の技術システム ・ecosphere 生態圏 ・"Green Technology By Design"  意図的グリーンテクノロジー ・Department of Defense (DOD) 国防総省 ・Implication 重要な意味;含蓄 
▼私たちは、この一方的な軍国主義者の傲慢さがはびこる中で、我々の恐ろしく無駄の多いお粗末な設計の技術システムに、他国のオイルを流入させ続けるために軍事力を使う道を選んでいるので、私たちは創造的な技術者や科学者に、資源やエネルギー効率のもっと何百倍もいい技術システムを作ってほしいと、あるいは太陽光に関連するような新エネルギーシステムなどを作るよ うにと、本気には頼んでいません。これらはすべて地球の生態圏を 汚染することもなく、地球温暖化の原因にもならないものです。残念ながら私たちは 技術者にこのことを頼んでいないのです。特にアメリカではこれは真実です。私はこのような技術を "Green Technology By Design" [GTBD] (意図的グリーンテクノロジー)と呼んで、まだ残念ながら成功していませんが40年間この考えを推進してきました。兵器産業と合衆国防衛省(DOD)からの何十億ドルが [1] 研究・開発および [2] 技術・科学大学院教育に利用できるのですが、実際にはGTBDに関する仕事には何も使われていません。どうか A Call For Peace - The Implications of Japan's War-Renouncing Constitution, 「平和への呼びかけー 戦争放棄の日本国憲法の重要性」([邦題]『地球憲法第九条』 増補版 国弘正雄対訳、たちばな出版、2005)をお読み下さい。詳しくはGTBDと私のホームページ <www.article9society.org> をごらん下さい。

(11)Let me end by saying that I am a non-violent critic of my nation, for whom I have twice voluntarily placed my life on the line in two of its wars - World War II and the Korean War.  I think the United States of America has currently lost its way as a beacon of hope to many people. I am concerned that we are losing the essence of democracy in contemporary USA.  I love my country, and I along with millions of my fellow citizens seek a United States that we can once again be proud of - an America that treats all people on Planet Earth with dignity and respect, rather than as "collateral damage" - an America that maximizes democratic, community, non-military, non-violent, ethical, ecological, caring, and loving relationships on Planet Earth
(注) ・critic 批評家 ・a beacon of hope 希望の灯火 ・I am concerned 心配している ・treat 接する;つき合う ・with dignity and respect 威厳と尊敬で ・collateral damage (=people who are hurt or killed, or property that is damaged accidentally in a war - used especially by the army, navy etc / relating to something or happening as a result of it, but not as important) 戦争で民間人がこうむる二次的被害(重要視されない) ・maximize ・最大限に価値を高める
▼最後に私はアメリカ合衆国のおだやかな批判者であることを申しあげて終わりの言葉にしたいと思います。というのは私はその二度の戦争、第2次世界大戦と朝鮮戦争で自ら進んで生命を関わらせてきました。私はアメリカ合衆国は現在多くの人々への希望の灯火としての路上で迷子になっていると思います。私は現代の合衆国が民主主義の真髄を失いつつあることを憂えています。このような二次的災害としての不名誉ではなく、むしろ私は自分の祖国を愛し、何百万の同胞とともに私たちがもう一度誇りにできる合衆国 ― つまり地球という惑星のすべての人たちと威厳と尊敬をもってお付き合いできるアメリカを求めています。この地球という惑星で民主的で社会的、非軍事的で非暴力的、倫理的で環境を大切にし思いやりがあり愛情のある関係を最も大切にするアメリカを。

Chuck Overby チャック・オーバビー
Ohio University Emeritus Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Internationalist, Registered Professional Engineer, Eco-engineer
1991 founder of the Article 9 Society 1991年「憲法九条の会」創立者
Veteran of World War II and Korea, member of Veterans For Peace

(田中 安行 訳・注)


ARTICLE 9 of the Japanese Constitution

              Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.

              In order to accomplish the aim of the preceeding  paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained.  The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

第2章 戦争の放棄

 第9条 日本国民は、正義と秩序を基調とする国際平和を誠実に希求し、国権の発動たる戦争と、武力による威嚇又は武力の行使は、国際紛争を解決する手段としては、永久にこれを放棄する。


2 前項の目的を達するため、陸海空軍その他の戦力は、これを保持しない。国の交戦権は、これを認めない。

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